Velja afhendingarmáta
Silverstone CK-05 solves many of the high altitude problems and tasks that you may face when working in industry, warehouse and retail shops. Order picking up to 6,3 m is no problem.CK-O5 is simple and easy to maneuver thanks to the electric steering and well-designed controls. CK-05 only needs 1,8 meter wide aisle to make a U-turn.Maintenance work on high levels often means bulky and wobbly ladders in action and yet stability and spa-ce is limited. With Silverstone CK-05 you drive around smoothly and easily with space for both materials and tools on board. Do you need to move around the pro-perties while towing one or many carts? No problem, CK-05 solves this task with elegance and safety. CK-05 is equipped with non-marking polyurethane wheels.

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